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Posts By Wes Hardaker

Mind If I Trick Your Eyes?

The Experiment

I’d like to teach you something else about the way you see (actually, multiple somethings if you listen carefully to my ramblings in the video below). The video I’ve created below is designed to open your eyes to yet another interesting aspect about how your eyes process information. Click on the video below, set it to full screen and follow along! When you’re done watching, continue into the results section below.

The Results

NOTE!!!! Make sure you’ve watched the video above first!

Once you have, submit your results into the form below to add your data to collection. All of this is collected anonymously, so there is no need to worry about whatever number you got. Please answer honestly!

Eye Magic

Feel free to send this link to your friends, if you think they’d enjoy the experience too.

See the results

Click the button below to see the results after you’ve submitted your results.


just to force social media sites to pick a decent link image

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